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How Pola Park Get Top Ratings on Tripadvisor with Sinorides Theme Park Design

See How Pola Park, a Spanish Theme Park, Uses Sinorides Theme Park Design and Products to Build Park

that Get Top Ratings on Google and Tripadvisor

Country: Spain

Park Size: 13,000 sqm

Total Investment: $200,000


of Pola Park

“ When we first thought about starting Polar Park it was overwhelming. But Sinorides make it happen.

They design our park layout and send technical staffs to install for the park rides. Finally our park become popular with great revenues!

If you want to know how to start theme park design and get your investment back fast, work with Sinorides.”


Generate more revenues for park business without spending more budget or increasing ad cost.


Rather than buying new amusement rides, Polar Park wanted to integrate their water park section by tailored park design and rides.


The Polar Park hit top ratings on Google and Tripadvisor, generating hundreds of new clients a day.

See How Pola Park uses Sinorides Theme Park Design and Products to Get Top Ratings on Google and Tripadvisor

Polar Park plan to install new park rides with their water park section, but they lost way to make the park layout fit for their park visitors.

quotation We want to install some thrilling and kids rides to combine the water park rides, but it is hard to set it all right. ”— Mark, Manager of Pola Park

Mark is not the only person who face the problem:

What is the park design ideas for my theme park?


Since Pola Park locates in Santa Polah, where most people pay a visit to the local attractions with their kids aging from 5-15 years old and families.

So Sinorides tailored the park design with kids rides to meet the potential visitors recreation need.

What is better:

Sinorides recommend the Pendulum Rides to suit the thrilling experience requirement from the adults.

Technical staff has been sent to install the park rides by Sinorides.

And it wins most visitor’s love!

Since weather is hot there, Sinorides advise to add more Shade shelter for visitors.

“Thanks to Sinorides, we become hot on tripadvisor and hundrends of visitors are here even in night!”
Mark-manager of Pola Park

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